Parenting 2.0

Posts Tagged ‘2 years old

Niko has an interesting way of telling us he’s done his supper.

Step 1) Push chair away from table as far as possible, using the fullest reach of hands and feet against the table to propel to the furthest distance.

Step 2) Grab sock and rip it off.

Step 3) Repeat on other side.

Step 4) Scatter socks on the floor below, while delighting in newfound foot freedom.

With such a show of respect, Niko can only be demonstrating me how much he likes my cooking, right?

And so it is that this habit has developed. As soon as I see that first table push-off with his hands, I pretty much know it’s game over. Unless of course, I tempt him with cookies or ice cream, but that’s not a daily occurrence. And over time this habit has evolved. He used to struggle with his socks, until he discovered that biting the toes really provided that extra torque needed to successfully de-sock himself independently. But that strategy wasn’t sitting too well with Mommy and Daddy, so after a few nights of encouragement he finally figured out how to get the pull he needed by using his hands alone, sans teeth! Phewf.

Anyway, for now it’s socks off to signal the end of dinner time. And we’re left with a barefoot toddler for the remainder of the evening while the spoils of his labour remain scattered on the floor, usually until the next morning.

Pull ‘Em

Typical: Post Supper

Niko’s imagination is developing daily. Although, I suppose it’s always been developing, but now he’s gained the ability to communicate his ideas to us, and it’s so funny and cute to see. Mind you, I could be biased seeing as he’s my little guy. But on second thought, no, he really probably is the world’s universe’s most funniest and creative little dude.

The following pictures and post idea, courtesy of Daddy.

Each morning Niko sees his parents with their go-to beverage of choice – COFFEE! And not just one mugful, but at least two, maybe three.

The other day, he was playing around in the living room when he walked up to Daddy with a mugful of cars.

Niko: Daddy, Niko drinkin’ the coffee cars. Coffee. Coffee cars. Hahahaha.

Ah…the mind of a two year old!

As mentioned before, our toddler’s got a love on for “Bass-be-ball!” (aka basketball). I guess toddler’s are limited to the toys they have available at their disposal, and the net was just given to him – not like it was his choice or anything. But once he got the hang of shooting hoops, he fell in love. It’s a great way for him to burn energy get some exercise, and it’s set up in our sparsely furnished basement, so he has the freedom to really run around like crazy focus on his skill development.

Last week I discovered a community program offered for toddlers that I thought would appeal to our little tyke. It’s called Sportball and is basically a non-competitive introduction to many types of sports. I had a free pass, so thought we’d give it a whirl. And when we showed up last weekend, the sport of the day was … Bass-be-ball! Wasn’t Niko just delighted. It’s a parent/child class, and it was so cute to see him involved and listening to the coach, while practicing the skills with Daddy.

Of course, what would a new outing be, without some photos and video footage to document the action?

Video Clip: Our Little Double Dribbler (11 sec.)

Chasing the Hoop

Dribble Practice

He Shoots, He Scores!

Round two of the cupcakes was a great success!

Moist Cake? Check!

Homemade Icing? Check!

A Happy Birthday-Toddler? Check! (Except for that part where he reached out to touch the candle wax after blowing them out. “Ouch Mama”!)

These pics tell the story…

And voila! Niko’s Birthday Cake is ready: complete with homemade Cars decor!

Happy Birthday to Niko, Happy Birthday to you…

Time to blow out the candles. Only one to go. He’d been practicing all week!

“Ouch Mama! HOT!”, he exclaimed after reaching out to touch the wick.

Mmm…Cake! Or should I say… Mmm… Icing (because that’s what he enjoyed the most out of his two cupcakes!) Guess the homemade icing recipe was all worth it!

Preparing for a toddler party takes a little brain power: things like, food, entertainment and loot bags are probably at the top of the list (at least they were at the top of mine.) And when party day comes around there are even more last minute preparations. For Niko’s party we wanted to keep it pretty simple. We planned on ordering pizza and pretty much just letting the kids have a free-for-all when they got here. Seeing as each of the little darlings would be chaperoned by his/her parents free play seemed like the easiest plan for us. Plus really, how long can a two year old focus on organized games? (That is, if there were to be any, which there weren’t.)

So all was in place. Party day had arrived and I set out the snacks (veggies and dip, a fruit tray and a bowl of BBQ chips) on the table. Once they were in place I continued to do other little last minute preparations, not really paying too much attention to the birthday boy, but still aware that he was lurking on the premises. When I finally did get a clear shot of his activities, I found him on his tippy-toes reaching for the chips, and having had some success at it. Chips and chip crumbs littered the table and had left tell-tale signs on his cheeks and hands.

Ah well, it’s was his party, and I might as well let him enjoy it in his own way. Did it really matter that the snacks had been snacked on before the guests arrived? No. So what did I do? I helped him up into an adult size chair, got him a plate and let him dig in. In the words of Marie Antoinette: Let them eat cake! Or chips. Whatever the case may be, I guess.

A baker I am not. While I AM honing my culinary skills, it’s more in the cooking department than the baking one. Anyway, seeing as it was Niko’s birthday I figured I might as well make a cake – or at least cupcakes. And seeing as my baking skills are not 100% reliable (Last year’s birthday cake broke in two when I took it out of the pan – and my baking confidence fell, with the crumbs, to the floor. Thank goodness for the mending powers of icing!), I figured I better make a trial batch. Yes, trial batch! (Even though the Duncan Hines box instructions are pretty clear, you just never know.)

So this year, Niko’s actual birthday fell before his party, giving me the perfect opportunity to test out my baking powers. Things I realized:

1) Cupcakes don’t break when taken out of the tray! Woot! Woot!

2) Box instructions, make for dang tasty cake!

3) Homemade icing is the way to go.

Post round one of baking and prior to round two, I had a conversation with my long-time (since Grade 4) friend Alison. She’s one of those Molly Homemaker types, that makes all housework, cooking, baking etc. seem like a snap. For her daughter’s second birthday she made Elmo cupcakes, fondant and all. So my cake box recipe is a stark contrast to her baking resume. Our conversation went sort of like this…

Alison: Are you making a cake for Niko’s birthday?

Me: Yup, cupcakes. And I made a trial batch today!

A: Trial batch? What? Is it homemade?

Me: No, but with the whole cake-breaking incident last year, I just want to be sure I know what I’m doing.

A: But you’re making your own icing right?

Me: No. Store bought baby!

A: Come on! Icing’s so easy and homemade tastes way better.

Me: Who are you my mother? (Note 1: If you’re reading this Mom, please know that this line was meant with the utmost love and affection. Plus there’s that joke about how everything really is –  just so easy!)

Anyway, lo and behold, after a quick search of Canadian Living’s Butter Icing recipe I rallied my confidence and in the infinite wisdom of that little train that could I said, “I think I can. I think I can.”

Note 2: Please don’t get me wrong. Alison and I are very good friends and her berating of my baking was all in good fun. Plus it motivated me to up the ante on little Niko’s cupcakes. And in the end, it was all worth it!

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