Parenting 2.0

Posts Tagged ‘smart source

  • 3 bottles of Green Works cleaner. ($1.99 each) CHECK!
  • 5 tubes of Crest toothpaste. (1$ each) CHECK!
  • 7 Colgate toothbrushes. ($1 each) CHECK!
  • 36 rolls of Royale toilet paper. ($4.99 per double roll 12 pack) CHECK!
  • 50 bottles of ketchup. NEVER!

This is my stash. No I don’t have a separate room for a stockpile (and I don’t think I want one), but so far so good. Inspired by my friend, (who shall remain nameless for privacy’s sake – she only shares her couponing tricks with a lucky few, and otherwise prefers to keep that facet of her personality hidden with her 2 years supply of laundry soap), I have a newfound time waster money saving strategy.

After talking with “said” friend, and watching a couple of episodes of Extreme Couponing, I was hooked! The reason why this works for me? I have an addictive personality, I’ve always loved a good deal, and these days I have A LOT of time on my hands (I’m off work, due to my high risk pregnancy). Who knows if I’ll keep this up once reality sets in: when our baby girl arrives and I am at home with her and my toddler son, but for now, I’m on board. I have become a couponer. I dove in headfirst and haven’t looked back. While I don’t think it’s possible to coupon like our Statesy neighbours to the South, I’ve found I certainly can save a few bucks by scouring flyers and organizing my shopping lists around coupons.

Am I going to go from store to store, just to save a few cents on peas? No! But, will I create my shopping list with the flyer and then use coupons on sale items! Yes!

So far I’m just a rookie. But in the few weeks that this has been a part of my life, I have grown my stockpile of coupons and am becoming more and more invested in this newfound hobby. That’s what it is sort of seems like right now: a hobby. I enjoy it! I get pleasure from the savings and am not ashamed of it. Time will tell how long it lasts. But for now it’s fun. Below are a few of my couponing strategies.

1) Buy a small photo album (they have inexpensive ones at Michael’s) to organize your coupons.

This was my first step. And looking at the empty album, I was wondering where all the coupons were going to come from, but slowly, I discovered websites and hidden places where the coupons lurk. Now my album is more than half full – hip hip! Tip: Carry your album in your purse, just in case you spot a deal while you’re out and about.

2) Coupons By Mail

Create an alternate email address just for couponing, and sign up at the following sites: use the same password for all the sites, to make it easier to remember. These sites will mail you your selected coupons for free.

3) Printable Coupons

4) Flyer Coupons

5) Blogs – Showing You Where the Deals Are

  • Smart Canucks – This site is a bit overwhelming at first. Start by checking the Coupon – Coupon Database tab and the Forum – Forum Home tab. Then when you’ve got more time, just browse the site and it will start to make sense.
  • Simply Frugal – Again a bit overwhelming, but check out the Coupon tab as a start.

6) Free Online Flyer Comparison

Flyer on Fire – Find deals from weekly store flyers in Ottawa, ON. Let’s you compare flyers at the hit of a button. Could be used for price-matching from store to store.

A few final words: Don’t let couponing consume your life. Start off small and see where it takes you.

Know of any good sites or coupons? Please let me know! I am always looking for a good deal.

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