Parenting 2.0

Posts Tagged ‘food

As a gift, Niko was given a set of spoons: the theory being that while the parent is feeding the baby, the baby can also hold onto a spoon and practice feeding himself. In Niko’s case however, he just likes to get a hold of both spoons. I think he realizes that the one that he’s holding doesn’t actually have food on it, so eventually he tries to grab the food spoon and then drops (usually on the floor) the other one. And this cycle continues throughout the whole feeding.

It starts off like this: I will put the spoon to his mouth and within the first few bites two slippery little hands will reach up to mine and hijack the spoon. Slippery because they inevitably get covered in cereal or whatever the delicacy of the moment is. But he’s learning, right? His hand eye coordination is improving and that’s a good thing. Usually by the end of the meal, my hands equal Niko’s in slipperiness due to his little ones rubbing the cereal over mine when he reaches for the spoon(s). Fun.

If you’re wondering what that dark stuff is that he’s eating, well let’s just saw we are still strong supporters of the benefits of prunes! Which leads me to wonder: Why do prunes have such a bad reputation? Is it because of the job they do? I mean all they’re doing is benefiting mankind in a natural way, and yet they take the brunt of many food jokes. Poor little prunes. And come on, if you’ve ever tasted them, they’re actually good. Admit it.

Update: Just last week Little Niko Man was testing my patience by chewing the lip of his bib every time he sat down to eat. Now. that habit seems to have completely disappeared. It’s crazy how you can be all consumed by one thing one week and the next week it’s not even an issue.

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